Feedback Careers

Alec Parsons Recognized with G.E.M. Award

Alec Parsons, a consulting utility forester at ACRT, recently received a G.E.M. Award for his “significant performance in safety.” He was nominated by ACRT Operations Manager Brian Elam.

Elam shared the following about Parsons’ actions.

Alec was recently asked to field-verify a momentary outage on one of [our customer’s] transmission lines in North Carolina. While Alec was inspecting the affected area, he came across a wildfire which we eventually deduced was the cause of the momentary. I nominated Alec for a G.E.M. Award because of his actions after he arrived on site. Alec quickly called the non-life-threatening emergency line for that area and reported the wildfire. After calling his manager and myself, he proceeded to notify surrounding property owners of the fire and explained emergency services were on the way. Alec stayed on site until the fire had been contained. The wildfire measured five acres in size and was deemed to have been started by an arsonist.