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2024 Richard E. Abbott Safety Scholarship Recipient: Krystee Van Den Bosch

March 13, 2024

2024 Richard E. Abbott Safety Scholarship Recipient: Krystee Van Den Bosch

There’s nothing more important than sending people home safe at the end of each day. One way we demonstrate our commitment to safety and the development of our employees is showcased through the Richard E. Abbott Safety Scholarship — a $1,000 award that is dedicated to ACRT Services’ founder. The Scholarship is granted annually to an employee who is seeking to further their career development and commitment to safety.

As an ACRT Consulting Utility Forester, Krystee Van Den Bosch strives to put her team first.

She understands the risks and challenges faced when working remotely in the wilderness, leading her to apply for funding to put towards Wilderness First Aid Responders training.

Van Den Bosch shares that she plans to bring what she learns from the training back to her local team in Northern Florida and host safety tailboard sessions to share highlights — especially the pertinent information that relates to their day-to-day roles as foresters.

“I appreciate being selected as a scholarship recipient and respect the Abbott family and their contributions to the industry,” says Van Den Bosch.

The Manitoba, Canada native notes that she’s worked in several different industries — from horticulture to agriculture — and welcomes the heightened focus on health and safety within ACRT and the arboriculture industry.

She also serves as an Area Safety Representative (ASR) and explains, “The perspectives and engagement demonstrated by all of the other ASRs inspire me monthly, and I am able to bring a sense of enthusiasm and energy back to the team I work with.”

ACRT Operations Manager Lee Romanello also shared that Van Den Bosch does “a great job reinforcing the importance of our culture of safety to other employees while participating and engaging with other employees.”

Learn more about ACRT and our safety philosophy.