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Customer Service and Safety are at His Core: Marvin Bush

July 6, 2023

As an industry veteran, ACRT Consulting Utility Forester (CUF) Marvin Bush has a few tried and true methods when it comes to getting jobs done efficiently. Whenever he goes into a situation where he knows there might be a difficult customer, Bush tries to find three things in common with the customer, whether it’s sports, cars, or another interest.

“Usually, we’ll be shaking hands and laughing by the time I leave.” Though, he acknowledges that this method doesn’t always go as planned. “It can’t always go like that. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do to calm a customer down or reason with and you just have to leave.”

Customer relationships like that don’t just form overnight, rather they’re fostered from years of experience.

In Bush’s case, his vegetation-related history stems beyond his tenure at ACRT. The CUF has been studying trees since he was 18 years old. His first job was with a tree service company, which eventually lead him to become a contractor and later a work planner.

“I’ve always been into arboriculture, landscaping design planning, and stuff like that since I’ve been a teenager,” shared Bush.

Over the years, Bush has been known for providing top-tier customer service and safety services above and beyond what’s required. He reflected back to the beginning of his career when he would meet with customers face-to-face and bring a map to show them what work was being done in their neighborhood, provide contact information, and anything else that would help put the customer at ease.

Bush was also recently recognized with a Going the Extra Mile (G.E.M.) Award by ACRT Operations Manager Jenny Forrester. After being concerned for the well-being of his teammates due to a rise in hostile customer interactions, Bush created a brief morning Microsoft Teams session every weekday for a safety check-in; just a few minutes so they could all tell each other where they would be that day and discuss whether the buddy system was needed. He did this of his own accord with no coaching or prompting from anyone for the sole reason of being concerned for the safety of his colleagues.

It’s people like Marvin Bush who help keep our ACRT family safe and successful. Learn more about our family of customer service-minded employees.